Texas Ranked Worst State for Living and Working
Recent studies have shed light on some less desirable aspects of living and working in the Lone Star State.
We're going to go ahead and call bullsh*t on the findings in this article. Texas is the best and everyone knows it. Are we biased because we live here? Maybe.

One of the ten categories of competitiveness in CNBC's yearly ranking of state business climates is Life, Health, and Inclusion. This evaluation assesses various aspects of quality of life, such as crime rates, healthcare services, childcare options, and inclusive policies regarding discrimination and reproductive rights.
Is it that bad?
Here's what the article says about Texas:
How could 200,000 college educated workers moving to Texas each year possibly be wrong? It depends on how you look at it. With the nation’s highest percentage of people without health insurance and the second lowest number of primary care physicians per capita, all those new Texans are arriving to find a dismal health care system. Texas has the nation’s thirteenth-highest violent crime rate, and it ranks thirty seventh for licensed childcare facilities per capita.
The Lone Star State keeps hacking away at inclusiveness, with laws targeting the LGBTQ+ population, voting rights, and the nation’s strictest abortion ban. Yes, there are enormous economic opportunities in Texas, and it is attracting people from far and wide. But this state also has some Texas-sized issues when it comes to life, health and inclusion. And it is one of the reasons that the state fell out of the overall top five for the first time in the 16-year history of CNBC’s rankings.
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