Family Tried to Noodle Koi Fish Out of the Dallas Arboretum
You would think a no fishing sign wouldn't be necessary at the Arboretum. Guess they need to put one up.
I understand people love to fish, but do some people think that every fish they see needs to be caught? I've never gone to the aquarium and thought to get the fish out of the tanks. Looks like in Dallas one family thought this was the old fishing hole. Nope, it was the koi pond in the Arboretum's Lay Family Garden.
Mask less family at the Dallas Arboretum trying to catch the koi fish with their hands. from r/Dallas
This happened last week on August 6th and the woman filming couldn't believe what she was seeing. A whole family got down on their stomachs and were trying to fish the koi out of the pond. Don't get me wrong, two of them are young kids and don't know any better. The other two are grown men who I guess need to catch every fish they see. These two definitely have that singing Big Mouth Billy Bass from the 90s still hanging on their walls.
You would think this would be common knowledge not to fish for the koi, but the Arboretum had to release a statement about the situation. Many are wondering how this family was not kicked out for this, but also by not following the Arboretum's mask policy. This is what they had to say.
"We have insisted that people wear a mask for the entire time of their visit unless dining or medically unable to do so," the statement reads. "Although we have more people in the garden on major paths, it still surprises us when people blatantly take off their masks or in this instance disturb the koi, which are for guests to enjoy, not catch.
"The vast majority of our visitors are so courteous so this was very distressing," the statement reads. "Our top priority is the health and safety of our guests, volunteers and staff and preserving the beauty of our garden. It was embarrassing that this event happened on our property."
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